I have still a couple of weeks of vacation left to use up before the end of the year. So I decided to take this week off and do a “staycation”. We decided we did not want to travel too far due to what appears to be the second wave of the virus. We thought why not check out places not too far away from home.
Karen did some research and she found the Belfountain Conservation Area which is about an hour northwest of us. Since entry is by reservation only to limit capacity, we booked the 12:35pm spot ($20 CAD including taxes) before we left home. Your reservation is good for two hours. We got lucky that we were able to book same day.
The drive to Belfountain was beautiful but we arrived early. We were told to stay in the car until five minutes before our scheduled time. When we checked in, we were given a map and told that the Pond Loop was the best walk to take with Maui.

We started our walk past the fountain with a bell which honours the town of Belfountain. Then we crossed the suspension bridge that spans a waterfall. Maui was not that fond of the bridge. We enjoyed the rest of the walk around the pond enjoying the fall colours. In total , it was only about a fifteen minute walk.

Before we started our walk, we spoke with an employee of the conservation area. She suggested that Terra Cotta Conservation Area would be another great place to take Maui for a walk and it was only fifteen minutes away. So that was our next stop.
There are many trails that you can take at Terra Cotta Conservation Area. We decided to take the Terra Cotta Lane trail since that is the one that was recommended to us because it is flat. We only did a short part of the trail since all of us were getting tired. But what we saw was beautiful. This is a place that we will definitely come back to.

As much as I miss travelling outside of Ontario, it was really nice to check out two new places that we have never been to.
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