Wild Atlantic Way

One thing that I can say about the breakfasts that are served in Ireland hotels is that they are so much more refined that what we have experienced in Canada and the United States.  First of all you are seated and then coffee or tea is brought to your table.  The hotel in Sligo also brought toast to the table
We got ourselves fuelled up for the longest driving day of the trip and by 9:30am we were off.

We are continuing south on the Wild Atlantic Way.  Our destination for tonight is Killarney but there are a few places we want to see on the way.

The first one being Doolin Village which is just over an hour away. The drive was hairy for quite a bit of it with very narrow roads with posted speeds of 100 KM/H. At one point on Corkscrew Hill, we came to a turn in the road and there were two buses facing each other. The bus on our side backed up a bit so that the bus on the other side could squeeze by. Lucky for us, we came across Hazel Mountain Chocolate and stopped in to get some snacks.

squeezing by
Hazel Mountain Chocolate
making chocolate

We arrived in Doolin and headed down to the pier. It was a busy day and since we could not get a parking spot, we took turns getting out to get some pictures.


It was only a fifteen minute drive to our big stop of the day, the Cliffs of Mother.  Over one million people visit these sea cliffs which tower over the rugged west Clare coast.

Cliffs of Moher

There are four viewing platforms that are accessed by paved pathways.  We made it to the Main Platform and O’Briens Tower.  I am running out of words to describe how beautiful the scenery is in Ireland.  After taking a ton of photos, we made our way back to the car and now it was 3:00pm.

Cliffs of Moher
painting the cliffs
O’Briens Tower
walking to the platforms
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
tons of visitors

Our next stop which was over three hours away was the Dingle Peninsula.  Unfortunately we ran out of time to do the Slea Head Drive but we did manage to get to the town of Dingle.  We walked around checking out the colourful buildings and had fish goujons (we know them as tenders) for dinner by the marina.

Irish countryside
colourful buildings
fish goujons
Dingle marina
shops near the marina
local ice cream

After one more hour of driving, we arrived at our Airbnb in Killarney.  We are staying here for two nights.  We got lucky with the weather today which made the drive and scenery much more enjoyable.

so much greenery
Inch Beach

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