Once everybody got up, Karen and I headed over to IHOP and picked up breakfast. Since the weather was so nice, Karen spent part of the afternoon lounging by the pool while I spent some time setting up the new tv room. You see before we arrived, Darren & Allison did some serious furniture re-arrangement. Allison’s office was moved from upstairs down to the family room and the family room was moved upstairs. We originally helped them move into their house back in April 2005 and it was quite an experience. You can read about it on the blog.
We decided to go with Darren over to A Las Vegas Garden of Love Wedding Chapel to enjoy a couple of weddings. At this point I have been to more weddings of people I don’t know than of people I do know. We met up with Allison at Olive Garden for dinner. Darren headed to work while the girls went to Meadows Mall for some shopping. We all met back at the house for another night of Wii’ing.
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