It is Karen’s birthday and the reason why we are here in Hawaii. The birthday girl had a list of things she wanted to do today. The first being a 6:30am whale watching tour with Ultimate Whale Watch ($77 USD / person including taxes and fees). Not sure if I would want to start my day that early on my birthday. I dropped Karen and Paula off at the boat yard while I went and parked the car. When I arrived, Karen told me that there would just be 9 people on the tour. A VIP tour consists of 12 people and costs $110 USD / person. So we basically got a VIP tour for the cost of a regular tour. For today’s tour we were on an old school boat the Wiki Wahine with Captain Lacey and Naturalist Kat.

It did not take long for us to come upon a very playful male whale who was pec slapping and spy hopping. This was the first time on this trip that we have seen this behaviour. We watched him for a while as the sun was rising.

Towards the end of the tour, we came across a mother and her calf along with their male escort. The best part was that we got to see a breach. This by far was the best of the three tours we did with Ultimate Whale Watch. I can highly recommend them.

Before heading back to the condo, we went to Safeway and picked up the birthday cupcakes that I had ordered earlier in the week. We also noticed that Safeway has a really good deli and so we also picked up sandwiches for lunch.
Karen wanted to go to the beach for her birthday so we packed up our stuff and headed to Kapalua Bay Beach. We must have had luck on our side since we were able to find a free parking spot. We spent the next few hours relaxing, eating, napping and even some swimming. It was a really nice afternoon.

The birthday girl wanted to have dinner at Aloha Mixed Plate so we headed over there for 5:00pm. I know I am repeating myself when I say that yet again we had a fabulous meal.

When we got back to the condo, we were able to enjoy the last of the sunset before finishing up the birthday celebrations with cupcakes.

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